Dear Friends of Oak Tree Ministries –
June has been quite a month … What’s open? What’s closed? What is supposed to open next week (oops, postponed.) And it’s extended to ministry. In person? Zoom? Phone? FaceTime? Hugs, anyone?
But ministry has gone on. One HeartSync session a few weeks ago started on Zoom, switched over to FaceTime and then again to a simple phone call. But God met her heart wonderfully! He took her through all of those and went to a place she thought she had “dealt with.” (I run into those a lot with HeartSync.). Old triggers. She “knew” truth … “God is my helper, my shield.” But this time Jesus stepped in front of that reactive place in her heart, the guardian that tried so hard to keep pain away. Jesus stood there, taking comments from others, anger from others, hurtful things from others. Those things never got to guardian any more. And that part of her heart never knew before that she could have help, have a friend. So powerful, even though the connections in this physical world weren’t happening well that morning, the connection of His heart and her heart stood complete.
And The Delta Healing Rooms has continued working via phone calls. One testimony … a woman who has dealt with Lymphoma for years reached out for ministry, got a call and responded quickly how powerful it had been for her. And a few weeks later she reached out again, reporting to us that after the first call a good sized lump on her neck had disappeared by the next morning. She wanted more! And so do we!
Moving into July, the Delta Healing Rooms will re-open for in-person ministry on Thursday, July 16. Ministry times will be by appointment (so we can keep proper distancing in the room.) If you are local and want an appointment, you can text the number below or you can use the contact form on our website.
A simple lesson for us … God always finds ways when we see none! He always knows where He is taking us.
Thank you for your prayers and support! Each prayer has been needed!
Please pray this month …
… for The Delta Healing Rooms as we are back to in-person ministry. There will have to be some adjustments, and we’re praying for the best wisdom in proceeding.
… for our family. Beth and Jen are looking now at rotating time in Redding with AJ and the grandkids. It will be nice to have someone there in the house with me during the week. And I will be going up and back several times a month.
… for AJ and the grandkids. He has had physical custody since early January. And there is work being done now on how to do visitation and have the kids spend more time with mom 200 miles away. Please pray with us for the best for them! So far the process has been very bumpy.
… for our wisdom in balancing family needs and ministry.
… for Jen for work and God’s plans going forward. She has a temporary part-time job that opened up that has allowed her to work remotely, and that has been a blessing, but she’s looking for something now long-term.
And thank you all for your patience waiting for this month’s prayer letter. We had an opportunity as a family to do a family camp together in the early part of this week. It was great to be up in the mountains and in the woods, near a lake … but more to make connections with other believers. We are so grateful for the time away and the memories!
God bless you! He’s still incredibly brilliant at doing that!!!
Bill Irwin
Oak Tree Ministries
410 Beatrice Ct., Ste. A
Brentwood, CA 94513
Oak Tree Ministries is a 501(c)(3) ministry … all gifts to the ministry are tax-deductible.