Dear Friends of Oak Tree Ministries –

At the Delta Healing Rooms, we always start our ministry night off with worship and preparing our hearts for the night. It’s not unusual during that time for one or more of the team to hear something from the Lord about the evening … sometimes it’s about a need that will be coming in, sometimes it’s a specific word for the team. Twice last month, in successive weeks, team members heard the Lord telling them, “Strengthen the weak hands, and make firm the feeble knees. Say to those who have an anxious heart, ‘Be strong; fear not!'” (That’s Isaiah 35:3-4a). The first week, it was the knees … a few different people came in who were experiencing great problems with walking. One woman came in with great pain and unsteady on her feet; she left pain-free and completely steady. And a man came in who badly needed knee surgery … five times he had gone in for surgery dates and had been turned away at the last minute because of some underlying infection in his knee. He got ministry that night, and went in the next morning and had a successful surgery!

The next week it was hands. Three different people! One in particular was remarkable … she’s been on disability because of her hands, and was struggling hugely with her emotions because of the difficulties. God touched her as the team prayed with her for healing of her heart … no more fear, forgiveness issues taken to Jesus … they never even prayed for her hands,, but God touched them, too. She left pain free and much lighter in spirit. She’s come back consistently over the last weeks and she’s changed. Her hands are still great, and her heart is free!

We love what we do! God is always good!!! Thank you for praying with us!

As you pray this month, please remember the following …

… Healing Rooms training is May 18. That’s always a great Kingdom day! Please pray with us for the day … and feel free to let people know about it!

… We’ve wrapped up the first session of HeartSync Mentoring in Brentwood, and have another one to go in Redding late in the month. Please pray with us about next steps …

… Beth is done with her Community Bible Study class year. We’re actually away right now and she’s already preparing notes and rough outlines for the next class year (30 lessons.) Please pray for her and her team to get some much needed rest and to re-charge for the coming year.

… A praise – the funds needed for Romania for Beth, Jen and me have come in. God provided in some very unexpected ways! He always does!

… Finally, please continue praying for AJ and Ashley and the grandkids. There are some really tough things going on in their home right now. We’ll share more when it’s appropriate.

We love you and appreciate you so much! May God bless you greatly!

Bill Irwin
Oak Tree Ministries
410 Beatrice Ct., Ste. A
Brentwood, CA 94513
