Dear Friends of Oak Tree Ministries –
She got news she didn’t expect, couldn’t have expected. No one did. It caught her off guard. The world she knew changed in a moment; every plan she had was on hold. She talked a lot to God about it. Time to make some changes. And she went into isolation with a few family members.
While isolating she prayed and went over scripture. And she sang.
One song we know … “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior …” It’s Mary’s song from her place of isolation. (See Luke 1:46-47)
This era in time is unprecedented. There have been epidemics and pandemics before. But there has not been a global response, and there certainly hasn’t been instant media that puts every thought possible out there for consumption. It’s a hard time, for some incredibly frightening for many reasons. One of the hardest voicemails I have had in the last several years came a week ago from an elderly mom with an at-risk older son who just was diagnosed with the COVID-19 virus. Her message ended in her tears, begging me to pray (I haven’t been able to reach her since.)
So why did I write about Mary and her song? Simply this … she’s showing what happens in us all … our souls magnify what is happening in our spirits, in our heart of hearts. MAGNIFY! I have watched in it my own heart, and I’ve certainly seen it in others. The cries of our souls show what’s happening in our spirits. And right now there’s a huge magnifying glass right over us!!!
Anger? Fear? Indignation? Confusion? Joy? Peace? Hope? Love? What’s being magnified for you?
Ministry for us has changed forms in most ways. I am doing all my counseling, HeartSyncs, etc., using online tools. Interesting the Lord led me late last year to subscribe to Zoom! It’s been a blessing. Meeting online is harder (and every counselor I’ve talked to that is doing video sessions says the same thing.) But it’s still productive!
A HeartSync this week online had me working with a man I’ve worked with before, going deeper. And the deepest place of his heart said simply “I don’t have to hide any more. I can have Jesus with me.” He was referring to the drugs and alcohol he has used since before he was 10. And now Jesus is at that deep place where he has tried so hard to keep himself safe.
The Delta Healing Rooms has been working by phone each week. Again, it’s different! But we are hearing good reports. This came yesterday: “I just wanted to say thank you so much for the prayers. I need them right now and the help of your team it gives me so much hope and a peace of mind. Thank you.”
Beth has been teaching the last several weeks via recorded lessons for her CBS class … again, a new way of doing things.
As you pray for us, please keep the following in mind …
… the counseling and HeartSyncs that are happening. They are harder. But needs are still there, and yes, they’re being magnified, too. Pray for God to work in new ways with each heart.
… the Delta Healing Rooms team. We have such great champions of Jesus working with us! Pray for them! Each of them has struggles too, but they give of their time and resources just for the joy of ministering! Beth and I are grateful for each and every one of them.
… Beth and Jen are in Redding with AJ and the grandkids. What was just a break in routine has turned into full-time distance learning. We’re grateful all of us are in a position to help make this happen. I have gone up a few times to spell them, but have not been able to go as much as was happening early in the year. And pray for AJ and the grandkids. They still are working through losing wife and mom to divorce.
… and finally, a bit of an announcement and prayer request all in one. Beth has retired out her role as Teaching Director for the local Community Bible Study class. Her last week was April 22. She’s both resting and praying about next steps and assignments from the Lord.
We’re grateful for all of you. Many have reached out in different forms over the last several weeks, and it’s appreciated in each and every case! Thank you. We pray for you regularly!
May the things being magnified in you be those things of God’s design in you … His love. His peace. His joy. His hope!
Bill Irwin
Oak Tree Ministries
410 Beatrice Ct., Ste. A
Brentwood, CA 94513
Oak Tree Ministries is a 501(c)(3) ministry … all gifts to the ministry are tax-deductible