Dear Friends –

A little change this month. First words are a bit of encouragement.

This morning the simple words from Psalm 103:1-2 rose up in my heart and mind as I was praying …

“Bless the Lord, O my soul;
And all that is within me, bless His holy name!
Bless the Lord, O my soul,
And forget not all His benefits.”

Some years ago, in the midst of a tough day and a ton of discouragement, those words rang out in a song we were singing at a service … “Bless the Lord, O my soul.” As I sang, I realized my human spirit was instructing my soul … “Bless the Lord.” Within a few moments the discouragement and “tough” of the day disappeared. My joy was back. My peace was back.

And this morning, the same thing happened. It’s not magic, and it’s not a formula. It’s truth. “Bless the Lord, O my soul.” Praising God, blessing God, thanking God … all unlocks the gates of His presence, the joy of His courts. (See Psalm 100:4 TPT)

I have much for which to bless God!

A few weeks ago I got a message from a young person who had reached out for prayer from The Delta Healing Rooms on a Thursday night … the team told me it was a good ministry time … the young person receiving ministry wrote, “Thank you, Jesus. He always sends the perfect messenger.”

And over the month of August I have been watching a miracle unfold with a young woman who has been badly damaged over her life – some by others’ choices, and some by her own in response. We worked via Zoom, and she met me from her car. And … she told me she had seriously been debating not keeping that first appointment and ending things. She had no hope. None. As we talked and then prayed, things changed. She described feeling lighter. And then said, “Something inside just flipped.” It was quiet inside, and calm … she said it was the first time since she could remember. I’ve continued to work with her, and things keep improving. “Bless the Lord, O my soul!”

Thank you for continuing to pray for us and with us. We are praying for you, too!

As you pray this month …

… please pray for AJ and the grandchildren as custody decisions are hammered out. We want what’s best for the children, and believe it’s for AJ to have them. The first court mediation is September 10.

… and pray for the grandchildren and Beth (AJ too) as they deal with the school schedule. The kids are in school on Mondays and Thursdays and then distance learning the other days of the week. Beth is the primary “distance” helper right now. Pray with us as things continually change! (And yes, we are praying for those of you who are dealing with this too!)

… pray for people seeking ministry. I have had to start a wait list for counseling and HeartSync ministry, and that’s not ideal. There have been a small number of folks we’ve had to turn away from our ministry and recommend others. And the needs are so deep! Many are struggling because of the current atmosphere in the world. Please especially pray for hope!!!

… pray for wisdom in doing Healing Rooms! For now we are still doing phone ministry, but we again want God’s best!

Thank you! We love and appreciate you!!

Bill Irwin
Oak Tree Ministries
410 Beatrice Ct., Ste. A
Brentwood, CA 94513
