Dear Friends of Oak Tree Ministries –
She’d been anxious and sick for months. The isolation of the pandemic hadn’t helped. She’d lost weight month by month, and only could take in liquids. No solid food for months. The family around her kept telling her she was making it all up. But doctors found scarring and inflammation deep in her throat.
We started some HeartSync ministry, and Jesus took us to an old trauma, something that happened many years ago. And nothing at all related to the eating issues. Jesus worked deep in her heart, releasing pain, releasing fear, releasing shame … and He brought healing to a very broken heart. As we wrapped up we asked if there was anything else He wanted to do, and He reached toward her throat and touched it for a brief moment. She told me she felt light … relieved. No anxiety. Not alone.
And the next afternoon she sent me this note: “I just ate food for the first time in months. No food sticking to the throat, or issues! I am so happy!”
We had only planned on working on things in her heart! God met her there. And He met her with far, far more! He’s good at that!
Thank you for continuing to pray for the ministry, and for the family! We appreciate it so much. It’s an honor to see God meet people so powerfully, to see their faith deepened and to see their lives touched. Your prayers are a huge part!
Most of you know that we have had to do Healing Rooms over the phone since mid-March. We’ve been longing to go back to in-person ministry. And it’s finally happening! Next Thursday, October 8, we’ll be back working in person. It will be by appointment only, to help us stay within numbers our Rooms are allowed to have. (If you’re local and want an appointment, text the number below and we’ll get you scheduled.). Please pray for us as we start back up!
For other prayer needs, please remember …
… AJ and the grandkids. Custody is currently in mediation, and headed to a hearing in the middle of October. We’re praying for God’s best for the kids … we’re asking the Lord to have the kids stay with him in Redding. (And we’re praising God that they are going to in-class school for the full week starting next week!!)
And, he has been working to refinance his house in order to finish his financial obligations with the divorce. The refi has stalled out completely after 5 months. He’s pursuing another avenue, and we’re encouraged, but it needs to be done. Please pray with us about this, and if God gives you any leading we’d love to know.
… Jen has been working at a temporary part-time job that looks now like it will be long-term. It’s providing some income and a good deal of flexibility for ministry. Pray with her for next steps.
… My office will be moving home this month. Thorpe Design has been gracious in hosting us for the last 10 years, but now need the space back. It’s another transition, and with so much counseling and ministry now being done online, something that’s easier to do. But please pray with us about further steps.
… Pray for Beth and me as she is mostly in Redding helping with the kids, and I am up there many weekends (if not most.) We had planned on helping, but with the pandemic, distance learning, shutdowns, managing ministry at a distance and online … well, it’s been different than any of us imagined. We know God’s got this!
That’s a good place to leave us all this month … God’s got this! He’s good at that!
Bill Irwin
Oak Tree Ministries
410 Beatrice Ct., Ste. A
Brentwood, CA 94513
Oak Tree Ministries is a 501(c)(3) ministry … all gifts to the ministry are tax-deductible