Oak Tree Ministries December, 2020 Prayer Update
Dear Friends of Oak Tree Ministries - "This is the best day of my whole life!" Those words came at the end of a Zoom ministry session ... she'd been horribly abused in her childhood and youth. Sold and re-sold to people who did what they wanted to her. And the people...
Oak Tree Ministries and Giving Tuesday
Dear Friends of Oak Tree Ministries - The last several years the Tuesday after Thanksgiving has been called "Giving Tuesday," an opportunity to give back. This has certainly been an extraordinary year! If you've been following our monthly newsletter you know how we...
Oak Tree Ministries November, 2020 Prayer Update
Dear Friends of Oak Tree Ministries - Sometimes healings unfold over time. At The Delta Healing Rooms, we've had a young lady come in a handful of times over the last few years. She was still in grade school when she first came in ... her back was hurting. That was...
Oak Tree Ministries October, 2020 Prayer Update
Dear Friends of Oak Tree Ministries - She'd been anxious and sick for months. The isolation of the pandemic hadn't helped. She'd lost weight month by month, and only could take in liquids. No solid food for months. The family around her kept telling her she was making...
Oak Tree Ministries September, 2020 Prayer Update
Dear Friends - A little change this month. First words are a bit of encouragement. This morning the simple words from Psalm 103:1-2 rose up in my heart and mind as I was praying ... "Bless the Lord, O my soul; And all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the...
Oak Tree Ministries August, 2020 Prayer Update
Dear Friends of Oak Tree Ministries - The computer connection kept crackling, video and sound both going in and out. We worked from two sites thousands of miles apart, and in a time crunch. And God showed up. My friend told me she struggled around other people, taking...
Oak Tree Ministries July, 2020 Prayer Update
Dear Friends of Oak Tree Ministries - June has been quite a month ... What's open? What's closed? What is supposed to open next week (oops, postponed.) And it's extended to ministry. In person? Zoom? Phone? FaceTime? Hugs, anyone? But ministry has gone on. One...
Oak Tree Ministries June, 2020 Prayer Update
Dear Friends of Oak Tree Ministries - I am sitting tonight with a heart carrying very diverse emotions ... joy and sadness; anger and hope. And I'm very aware that they're all there at once. My heart isn't divided. And I am very aware that I'm ok, and deeply loved....
Oak Tree Ministries May, 2020 Prayer Update
Dear Friends of Oak Tree Ministries - She got news she didn’t expect, couldn’t have expected. No one did. It caught her off guard. The world she knew changed in a moment; every plan she had was on hold. She talked a lot to God about it. Time to make some changes. And...
Oak Tree Ministries April, 2020 Prayer Update
Dear Friends of Oak Tree Ministries - Few of us fully anticipated a month ago what we are experiencing now. I don't want to take time today to rehash all we already know ... but I want to say that in the midst of all the changes God is still very close. I've seen it...